Kharkiv Tram Fleet Renewal

Green city

Kharkiv Tram Fleet Renewal

  • Projrct iniciator:

    Kharkiv City Council.

  • Finance model:

    Сo-funded from city budget and support of IFIs. Open for various co-financing partnerships.


Urban electric transport development today is a priority direction in satisfaction of the public needs in quality
transportation. The main criteria for effective operation of passenger electric transport are passengers' safety and comfort, as well as abatement of the adverse effect on the natural environment.

To improve the quality of transport services provision and to bring them up to the european standards, Kharkiv City Council has initiated a project that consists in the purchase of modern low-floor tram cars equipped to meet the needs of physically challenged passengers.

Expected Results:

  • passenger traffic increased by 18 mln passengers per year;
  • improved quality, comfort and safety of tram transportation services, including with regard to the needs of physically challenged passengers;
  • increased trams share in passenger transportation;
  • reduced interval of units movement on routes thanks to the increased number of units in the fleet;
  • re-orientation of passenger traffic from motor to ecologically clean local electric transport;
  • reduced operating costs thanks to decommissioned obsolete units;
  • improved environmental condition in the city thanks to cut down CO2 emissions as a result of the reduced number of route taxis and motor-cars.
  • more efficient implementation of the project of traction substations modernization and reconstruction, which, combined with the renewed tram fleet, will contribute to a significant environmental effect.

Current Status:

Ongoing renewal of tram tracks from the city budget.

Preliminary feasibility study under development.