For example, every third foreign student in Ukraine is studying at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Graduates from Kharkiv universities are world-famous figures, including P.P. Gulak-Artemovsky, M.I. Kostomarov, M.P. Barabashov, M.M. Beketov, M.V. Ostrogradsky, V.P. Veklych, O.M. Bandurka, O.V. Kirsch and many others.
Kharkiv is a city where three Nobel Prize winners studied and worked, namely: biologist Illya Mechnikov, physicist Leo Landau, economist Simon Kuznets. It is here that the atom was fissioned for the first time and the legendary T-34 tank was designed. It is a scientific and industrial center of Ukraine that can boast having more than 100 research institutes and an astronomical observatory, which conducts basic and applied research in astrophysics.